Saturday, December 14, 2019

What's Enlightenment Anyway?

Is there truly such a thing as enlightenment? We're talking spiritual or metaphysical enlightenment, man! The way I see life, everything and anything in this universe comes in threes.

Dudeists tend to not wanna worry about that shtuff. Some think you have to be a Buddhist or Hindu monk! The three things I see in enlightenment are 1) Self-acceptance, 2) Being yourself, and 3) To live your life and nobody else's.

In other words? Accept yourself wholly and fully, be the person you want to be, and live up to your own, albeit realistic, expectations! I know you can do it if I can, because I have; with debilitating pain, mental illness, intellectual disability, and so many other things that make me an even stronger survivor, because at least I know I am truly-truly alive! Choose to live, because only you can decide your own fate.

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