Saturday, December 14, 2019

Mysteries are Fun

I was recently pondering how I could deduce who the homosapiens' common ancestors were and how far back could we trace our lineage? That is not an easy question to answer. 

But when I came to the only rational conclusion that ancient astronauts transitioned the homoerectus into homosapiens', I understand now why a famous astrophysicist once said that he'd rather have questions he can't answer versus having answers he can't question... There was no more magic. No more wonder...

Dudes, just enjoy life's mysteries, and if you never want to be bored again, I'd advise you to leave the big questions of life just that, unanswered.

If you do get bored easy, Dudeism has the solution! Sit back, relax and enjoy the peace that comes with occasional solitude, just listening to the complete silence, or if you prefer, some relaxing music or sounds. Nothing beats just melting into your bed, couch or rug. Enjoy life's simplicity, man.

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