Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's a Good World

You turn the news on, and what do you usually see? More than likely it's nothing but bad news. There may be the occasional good news, but bad news sells and receives higher ratings. If you keep people in fear, they will continue to watch your program, man!

But let me tell you something, dude! The world is still a good place, inspite of everything, in the immortal and famous words of Anna Frank. Most people are still good, and we see this through the care and love our friends and family give us, certain strangers even!

If you want to see the good in the world, try self-help tv/film programs, books, websites/blogs, etc! An example is Spirit Science! Or Steve Pavlina's blog, Personal Development for Smart People, and maybe his ex-wife Erin Pavlina's blog,! 

If you still want to watch the news, try your local TV station first. They tend to have a good mix, at least here in the United States. If the news isn't for you, then more power to you for not watching it. But remember, dude, the world is as fair or good as you make it, and it doesn't want saved, man.

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